We work with diverse and at risk young people, and provide industry standard training in Film & TV Production & Games Design
There are approximately 1.2 million young people unemployed costing the taxpayer approx. £70 million/year
Our work takes place in the London wards which have the highest poverty ratings and highest unemploymnent
Many out of work young people have been failed by traditional education, they need a new approach
We can get young people out of unemployment at a cost of £1000 per person.

Khalid O'Beirne was referred to us by an anti gang unit. He was the first to arrive at the workshop and showed great dedication. His script was chosen giving him great confidence. Khalid has since gone on to gain employment at the Media Trust. Khalid wants to show that young people are not to be excluded and is now one of our Trustees.

Gerald Shimidzu attended our first workshop. He had been long term unemployed. The workshop immediately interested him, his script was chosen giving him immense confidence. He subsequently went on to study A'level film and is now in his final year of university. He is now one of our trustees.

Khalid O'Beirne was referred to us by an anti gang unit. He was the first to arrive at the workshop and showed great dedication. His script was chosen giving him great confidence. Khalid has since gone on to gain employment at the Media Trust. Khalid wants to show that young people are not to be excluded and is now one of our Trustees.
All our attendees gain in employable skills, confidence and inspiration
30% of our attendees go on to work in the industry or go into further education
Why do we need funding to help contribute to this?
Public Funding has been severely cut in recent years, forcing many youth centres and employment services to close. Young people are in need of help otherwise they will face a life of unemployment or at worse a life of crime. Our services push them through to a life of employment and inclusion. But we need financial assistance in sustaining this.