What we do
We work with underfunded, disadvantaged and at risk young people, mostly aged 14-25, providing highly professional courses in film and television with routes to employment and further education.
We partner with local and national organisations for our youth engagement ; Avenues Youth Centre, The Stowe Youth Centre, Princes Trust, St. Giles Trust, Cardboard Citizens and Kids Company.
Our courses are designed by those who work professionally in the industry and prepare our attendees for either apprenticeship positions or further education courses. Attendees gain a showreel at the end of the course with their name on the credits. Our courses are also Arts Award accredited.
idea development
script writing
production techniques
camera and sound
booking of cast and crew
location finding
a live film production
Our teachers work professionally in film and television and so they teach the latest techniques, come with cool content and have lots of contacts. But most importantly they are role models for our attendees and provide a lot of support and inspiration.
We take our young people through a programme of modules which teach them all elements of the process of making a film or tv programme
The courses are robust and demanding but we have found that young people of all ages and abilities have managed to keep up the pace, and have found our courses highly engaging, very informative and above all enjoyable and inspirational.
For routes to employment, we have developed relationships with apprenticeship schemes at the BBC, CH4 & CH5, as well as a company which trains and books runners. We are also in the process of developing relationships with independent production companies and Skillset as there is a need to increase diversity in the film and television industries.
For further education we have a relationship with Ravensbourne University which is described by The Guardian as being a world class media and design university. It is a centre of excellence, industry accredited and a Skillset Media Academy. Ravensbourne’s statistics are that 96% of those who attend gain employment in their chosen industry within 2 weeks of graduation.
We can also offer our attendees access and involvement in our wider film community. They can access this through our social media links of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We sit amongst London’s independent film community, we sit on the board of the British Urban Film Festival, and so we have many professional opportunities available to our attendees.

Our Teachers

Kolton Lee is an accomplished writer/director. He was originally an international basketball player, but after an injury he studied English Literature at University and became a sports journalist. He went on to become editor of The Voice, the UK’s biggest black newspaper. He went on to study at the National Film and Television School, and acquired writing jobs on Eastenders, Byker Grove and working for Lenny Henry’s company Crucial Films. Kolton has written and directed several short films and features including, American Mod, Blood, Cherps and Freestyle. He has always been our teacher for writing and directing and has inspired many of our young attendees to go on into film production.
Kolton Lee – Writer/ Director
Stil Williams originates from Jamaica where he worked for the local TV station. Upon arrival in England he studied at Ravensbourne University and then went on to specialise in cinematography at the National Film and Television School. He is very passionate about his work and is both technically gifted and also has a great creative vision. He greatly enjoys working with our young people and works hard so that their finished films are of high quality. Stil had two award winning films in 2014 gone too far and convenience.
Stil Williams – Director of Photography
Wade Jacks has studied at both Bournemouth Media School and then onto the National Film and Television School. As well as having expertise in editing he is also a writer /director. He has produced six award winning films including THE PERFECT : HUMAN A LOVE STORY.
Wade Jacks – Editor